Spelling 🐝

En esta página os iremos dejando las palabras que trabajaremos en los dictados semanales de los jueves / viernes.

Recordad leer cada palabra con atención. Para aprender a escribir una palabra hay que escribirla varias veces y fijarse bien en cada letra. 

Podéis practicar el deletreo como hacemos en clase y escribirlas en una pizarra blanca (whiteboard) pequeña o un cuaderno. Más abajo os dejamos ideas para practicar.

WEEK 16 (15th - 18th March) EASTER SPECIAL!!💐🐰🐣🐤🍫

Mountain, flat, coastal, valley, island, Easter, egg, chocolate, bunny, chick.

Landscapes are beautiful in Spring.

WEEK 15 (8th-12th  March)

English, science, history, geography, maths, listen, write, sing, draw, learn.

We do interesting subjects at school.

WEEK 14 (1st-5th  March)

branches, fruit, trunk, soil, spores, fern, moss, go, away, take.

The roots take in water from the soil.

WEEK 13 (23rd-26th February)

eat, grass, sleep, tree, drink, hunt, live, group, land, habitats

Animals live in strange places.

WEEK 12 (15th-19th February)

plant, seed, root, stem, leaves, flower, light, because, always, before, after. 

Plants need water, air, sunlight and soil to grow well.

WEEK 11 (8th-12th February)

elephant, hippo, giraffe, crocodile, shark, fly, climb, jump, walk, swim.

Animals are amazing because they can do different things.

WEEK 10 (1st-5th February)

sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy, snowy, good, name, water, animal, fast.

The atmosphere is a layer of gases around the Earth.

WEEK 9 (25th-29th January)

mountain biking, rowing, handball, gymnastics, swimming, mother, open, place, sleep, home.

Sentence: We can do healthy activities at break time.

WEEK 8 (9th - 18th December)


map, plan, globe, north, south, hemisphere, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen.

Sentence: There are different Christmas traditions around the world.

WEEK 7 (30th November - 4th December)

Words: between, next to, in front of, behind, opposite, under, around, here, help, please.

Sentence: There is a museum in the town.

WEEK 6 (23rd - 27th November)

Words: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, nine, ten, cold, warm, white

Sentence: We use our five senses every day.

WEEK 5 (16th - 20th November)

Words:  castle, park, school, museum, swimming pool, turn, right, left, find, where.

Sentence: I live in a big city and I like it.

WEEK 4 (9th - 13th November)

Words: body, nutrition, reproduction, interaction, feet, hand, move, six, seven, eight.

Sentence: Bones form the skeleton.

WEEK 3 (3rd - 6th November)

Words: scientist, zoo keeper, farmer, teacher, doctor,  little, big, like, four, five.

Sentence: I play with my toys.

WEEK 2 (26th - 30th October)

Words: digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, reproductive, one, two, three, up, down.

Sentence: We have different systems.

WEEK 1 (19th-23rd October)

Words: hungry, thirsty, happy, tired, angry, blue, yellow, red, black, brown.



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